Why You Should Choose an Online GMAT Course Instead of Classroom Instruction

By BlogMgmt On May 24, 2018 In  General GMAT 


As you prepare for your GMAT exam, you may be surprised at the variety of study options. Some business school hopefuls decide to self-direct and use GMAT prep materials they collect themselves. Others opt for a classroom course, depending on the teachers to cover everything they need to score well. The third option, which is growing in popularity, is an online GMAT course. These courses are crafted by experts and draw on the many GMAT resources available. Here are three key reasons why you should prepare for your GMAT exam via an online GMAT course.


If you are currently working and/or in school on top of studying for the GMAT exam, it is likely that the thought of adding one more thing to your calendar makes you want to faint. Classroom test prep courses are run on specific class schedules. Alternatively, an online GMAT course is flexible and can be worked into your normal schedule. Need to study in the early morning or late at night? What about just on weekends? Whatever your schedule, the course will fit your needs.

The same goes for location. If you need to study at home, as long as you have an internet connection and a working computer, you have everything you need. If you need a change of scenery and want to use the internet connection at a cafe or library, that's no problem either. The course will work just fine there too. With flexible online courses like EMPOWERgmat, you can study whenever and wherever you want.

Individualized Feedback

In a classroom full of students, there is only so much information that can be tailored to your specific needs. Regardless of your particular successes or deficits in Quant or Verbal, the classroom curriculum will dictate what you are taught each class period. In contrast, a good online GMAT course will provide specific feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. You will be able to rewatch lectures that you need to repeat and spend more time on the sections you find challenging. Unlike the classroom setting, an online GMAT course is like your own personal tutor for a fraction of the cost.


While a classroom teacher may have links for further resources for study, more than likely your class time will be taken up by a few lectures and practice tests. All other study is up to you. This is in contrast to an online GMAT course, which integrates multiple resources and makes them available to you. Specifically, the EMPOWERgmat course includes official practice tests, video lessons, study plans, score-booster plans, and actual retired GMAT questions for practice. Everything you need to boost your score is all in one place, guaranteed.

There are many advantages to studying for the GMAT through an online GMAT course. The flexibility, individualized feedback, and resources you gain make the decision an easy one. If you are looking for the best online GMAT prep course, check out the EMPOWERgmat course tour here.

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