The EMPOWERgmat Course – At a Glance

By Max Peterson On Apr 4, 2016 In  Quant Verbal IR Study Plans General GMAT 


On the Official GMAT, certain subjects and question types appear more frequently than others and are thus worth more to your overall score. For those Test Takers who are looking to maximize the value of their study time (and score at a high level), knowing which areas to focus on can make a huge difference in how they perform on Test Day. To that end, the EMPOWERgmat Course was built with a structure that gives Clients the most time to prepare for the most valuable concepts and Tactics.

Stage 1 – Major Quant Tactics and Sentence Corrections

The Quant section of the GMAT is NOT a ‘math test’ – while you will do lots of little calculations throughout it, the GMAT is actually a ‘critical thinking’ test. GMAT questions can be solved in a variety of ways (and can often be solved fastest by NOT doing ‘traditional’ math). Right from the start, you’ll learn the essential Quant Tactics that can push your score up to a Q51 – including how to properly deal with Data Sufficiency (the question type that is unique to the GMAT). To earn that high Quant score, you’ll need to commit to practicing those Tactics throughout your studies.

For almost all Test Takers, Sentence Corrections is the largest sub-category in the Verbal section. There are seven core grammar categories to know, and some of the ‘style’ issues and idiom lists also require significant time to learn and master, which is why Idiom Lists are sprinkled throughout the Course to allow you the opportunity to learn them in small ‘chunks.’

Beyond the grammar, the EMPOWERgmat SC Tactics will enable you how to exploit overt GMAT SC test-writing patterns to boost your accuracy and efficiency. 

Stage 2 – Arithmetic, Algebra, and Reading Comprehension

The two most common math subjects that you’ll need to know on Test Day are basic arithmetic and algebra. Every question that you’ll face in the Quant section will involve skills from at least one of those two subjects. Since many Test Takers have gone years without practicing those skills, it’s important to (re)learn the necessary content in a way that will allow you to take advantage of all of the hidden patterns that appear in GMAT Quant questions. 

Reading Comprehension is an area that almost all Test Takers have some initial concern over. Long passages and ‘dense’ subjects can be expected on Test Day, so you have to learn how to deal effectively with Reading Comp (regardless of how long or complex the passage and questions are). EMPOWERgmat RC Tactics will show you how to read properly (NOT skimming and NOT trying to read ‘fast’) and how to structure an efficient RC Ladder for each passage to be ready to ace the questions that follow. Additionally, RC questions are predictable, and the four wrong options to each question are also easy to spot once you learn the test-writer patterns from your EMPOWERgmat RC training.

Stage 3 – Math Rules and Critical Reasoning

The GMAT writers often test you on math rules that you already know, but in ways that you’re not used to thinking about. In that way, the Test really doesn’t focus on special knowledge, but on your ability to pattern-match and think your way through layered questions. To handle all of those prompts in the fastest, easiest way possible, you have to know the rules (and practice using them) BEFORE you’re tested on them.

Critical Reasoning, while often the slightly smallest of the Verbal categories, still represents about 25% of the Verbal section, so it’s just about as critical as SC an RC.

Most Critical Reasoning questions will involve arguments. GMAT arguments always present a gap between the evidence offered and the conclusion. EMPOWERgmat will show you how 3 major assumptions are the cornerstone to mastering Critical Reasoning.

Additionally, EMPOWERgmat will show you how to recognize and answer each of the various CR question types (Assumption, Inference, Evaluate, etc.). Just like RC questions, CR questions also contain predictable patterns that can be exploited to boost accuracy and efficiency. 

Stage 4 – Math Formulas, Geometry and the AWA/Essay 

‘Word problems’ on the GMAT are often based on a particular math formula, but the GMAT only Tests certain formulas, so knowing the ins-and-outs of each formula can help you to quickly organize and solve even the wordiest Quant questions. Geometry is a math category that is all about formulas and also involves a variety of predictable patterns that show up on every GMAT that you will ever take. Learning exactly what formulas will show up, and how to deal with them, is a must for the questions that require that knowledge.

The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) is a standard 30-minute essay that is always graded in the exact same way. You’ll learn what the essay graders are looking for, and the perfect 5-paragraph ‘template’ to score a 6.0 on ANY Essay prompt that comes your way.

Stage 5 – Integrated Reasoning and Final Review

Many Business Schools have publicly stated that they do not consider an applicant’s IR score when reviewing the application, so IR is arguably the least worthwhile subject to spend time on. This is one of the reasons why it’s not covered until the end of the Course. IR is arguably most similar to Verbal CR prompts (with a little bit of math thrown into some of the questions), so learning those other subjects and skills first makes IR far easier to deal with. Furthermore, IR is especially vulnerable to a powerful tactic taught in the EMPOWERgmat course that you can use to your advantage with ease. 

The Final Review phase helps you to recall all of the content, Tactics and lessons that you’ve learned throughout the Course. 

The “X” Factors

Throughout each Stage of the Course, you’ll find a variety of added benefits:

- Additional Modules that emphasize building specific Quant and Verbal skills that you’ll find essential on Test Day

- Audio Podcasts with additional advice/tips/perspective 

- Official Guide Quizzes that you can use with any recent version of the OG (GMAT2016, GMAT2015 or OG13) that draw specific questions that you can solve using the Tactics that you’ve learned in the Course.

- Review Modules so that you can keep all of your learned skills sharp.

- Pacing and Psychological Tactics Modules that can help you keep the right mindset throughout the Exam and maximize your overall performance. 

The GMAT is a consistent, predictable Exam, so you CAN train to score at a high level. Ultimately, you need resources that will reveal ALL of the secrets to this Test, so that you can learn to handle everything that you’ll face on Test Day BEFORE you actually face it. Since the GMAT score is almost always the most important part of the Business School application, scoring at a high level is a MUST and the EMPOWERgmat Course should be at the center of any study plan that you’re considering.

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